Welcome to the See A Saw Citizen Science Sawfish Project. In this project we are asking for you to measure, photograph, and report any sawfish saws that you own or have seen. Reported saws will help researchers understand sawfish distribution and identification. However, we do ask that you do not remove saws from live sawfish, as they need these saws to hunt and protect themselves. We also ask that you do not measure saws from live sawfish, as it can be dangerous to you and to the sawfish.
A. Collect your needed materials including a sawfish saw, measuring tool, camera, small piece of paper, a pen, and a sheet to record your measurements on.
B. Watch the video 'How to Measure a Sawfish Saw' to learn how to photograph and measure a saw.
A. Take a picture of the saw from above (darker side up) with its ID number and the tool you used to measure the saw next to the saw. Your picture should look like the accompanying example.
B. Count and record the number of rostral teeth on the right and left side of the saw.
C. Measure and record morphometrics including the tip width (width of saw between the rear edge of the last [near tip] rostral teeth), standard width (width of saw from the rear edge of the first [near base] left rostral tooth to opposite side of saw), and standard length (length of saw from the tip to midpoint of the saw adjacent to rear edge of first left rostral tooth).
Take an overhead picture
Record these measurements
Report your data and photo via the form below. While all fields are optional, please be sure to fill out as much of the form as possible. If you are unsure of an answer, please leave it blank. Alternatively, you can use our contact form to let us know of your saws.
DISCLAIMER: Submission of your data will be accepted as a form of consent for researchers to use your data in the current and future studies. Submission of all data fields is optional. You can select to not include your personal information or to have it destroyed at the conclusion of this study. There are a few countries (e.g. India, South Africa and Malaysia) where it is illegal to own a sawfish saw. Penalties for possessing a sawfish saw in these countries include varying degrees of fines and/or imprisonment, depending upon the country. Make sure to check with your local fisheries agency to determine if it is illegal to possess a sawfish saw in your country or email us at sawfishconservationsociety @gmail.com before submitting your photograph and/or measurements. Unless required by law, your personal information will be kept confidential. However, it is recommended that you do not provide your email or any identifying information if it is illegal to possess a saw in your country.